The Asia Climate Finance Podcast
The podcast is a journey into the multifaceted world of climate business and finance trends in Asia. Featuring experienced experts and hosted by author, analyst, and investor Joseph Jacobelli, the non-profit podcast, delves into the latest trends and challenges, empowering listeners to navigate Asia’s ever-evolving sustainability and decarbonisation landscape.
The Asia Climate Finance Podcast
Ep41 US and EU climate business and finance trends impacting Asia, ft Pamela Largue, Power Engineering Int'l
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Some of the climate business and finance trends in Europe and the US are highly applicable to the Asian experience. In this episode, energy media specialist Pamela Largue provides some clarity on some of these trends. We first briefly chat about her organisation, Enlit World, an important source of sector news and trends through publications and conferences. We then discuss Pamela’s latest findings after participating at Enlit industry conferences in Europe (energy security) and the US (energy costs and the I.R.A.). Finally, we have a quick chat about Pamela’s own podcast, the Energy Transitions Podcast.
ABOUT PAMELA. Pamela Largue is senior reporter on Power Engineering International, a daily news site with a 25-year-plus heritage of covering the power generation sector. She writes about all aspects of the energy industry in news articles, features, and interviews. She is also the host of the Energy Transitions Podcast, which magnifies the future energy landscape through the lenses of industry movers and shakers. Pamela holds a post-graduate degree in Social Anthropology and has worked in media and energy events for more than 12 years.
FEEDBACK: Email Host | HOST, PRODUCTION, ARTWORK: Joseph Jacobelli | MUSIC: Ep0-29 The Open Goldberg Variations, Kimiko Ishizaka Ep30-50 Orchestra Gli Armonici – Tomaso Albinoni, Op.07, Concerto 04 per archi in Sol - III. Allegro. | Ep51 – Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 in G, Movement I (Allegro), BWV 1049 Kevin MacLeod. Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License